

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014


El Cómic Digital tiene las siguientes actividades: Tema 0. CÓMIC DIGITAL Utilizando las nuevas tecnologías vamos representar una historia a elección. Eligiremos las imágenes de la red o las realizaremos nosotros mismos mediante una cámara digital o teléfono y sobre ella pondremos alteraciones mediante la aplicación Gimp. A estas imágenes les añadiremos los típicos  bocadillos que representan el texto de la historia y posteriormente utilizaremos Impress para realizar la presentación. Un ejemplo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F102lm7m2RM Tema 1. GIMPT Recursos:Programa y manuales de GIMPT. Haga clic en el enlace http://www.gimp.org.es/ Tema 2. Imágenes y sus derechos de autor. En este tema trataremos el uso de esas imágenes que aparecen en la red y sus derechos de autor. Apuntes Derechos de Autor : http://www.cpraviles.com/materiales/informatica4/docs/DERECHOSDEAUTOR_01_INTRODUCCION.pdf Tema 3. Aplicación Superlame. Conoceremos la aplicación web Superlame, para la introducción de bocadillos en cada una de nuestras viñetas. Haga clic en el enlace http://www.superlame.com/engine.php Tema 4. POPCORN MAKER Usaremos  la aplicación de POPCORN MAKER para presentaciones, para realizar la exposición de los cómics realizados. https://popcorn.webmaker.org/es-CL Tema 5. Actividad final. Entrega del cómic digital

martes, 27 de mayo de 2014


Electricity es una unidad didáctica correspondiente al segundo curso de enseñanza secundaria en la asignatura de Tecnología. Como unidad AICLE se trabaja el vocabulario, estructuras gramaticales relacionado con la electricidad a la vez que los contenidos se introducen de una manera gradual.

Los objetivos principales son:

To know the characteristics of electricity.

To distinguish between current and voltage.

To distinguish the elements that  form an electrical circuit.

To measure the differents variables of electricity .

Los contenidos:

How does an electrical circuit work?

What are the components of an electrical circuit?

How can we measure the differents electrical variables ?

How can we connect the differents electrical components?

Descripción de las tareas.  Cada clase tiene una duración de 45 minutos.

1. SESIÓN: Introducción del tema

Interacción entre alumnos y profesor, ya que es un tema reconocido en el día a día. Presentación de contenidos y vocabulario mediante video 

2. SESIÓN: Realización de actividades e interacción oral en primer lugar entre alumnos y posteriormente entre alumnos y profesor. Desarrollo de vocabulario y estructuras (condicionales y pasivas)

3. SESIÓN: Realización de actividades e interacción oral en primer lugar entre alumnos y posteriormente entre alumnos y profesor. Introducción de simbología y estructura de circuitos.

4.SESIÓN: QUIZ. Interacción entre alumnos para el desarrollo de los de las diferentes habilidades.

Los recursos utilizados se encuentran incluidos en la plantilla.


sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014



We are going to do a QUIZ SHOW about  Electricity.
We will divide the class in three groups and they will try to find out the unknown words in the text. Group 1 and 2 have a text without some words, and they must ask questions to each other to find out the missing word. Group 3, without text, only listen and try to guess the word that the others groups are talking about.
Groups 1, 2 and 3 win points when they discover the word that is being discussed.
Only when the word is found out by group 3, the group which is answering the question wins points too.
Group C is formed by students with higher level in English. The main reason why the group 3 don’t have the text is to motivate the students of others group to give a good explanation to the opponent group.
Each question will be discussed no more than 3 minutes.
The Word never will be talked loudly.

Current, potential difference and voltage

You need to know how to measure the current that flows through a component in a circuit. You also need to know how to measure the potential difference  across a component in a circuit and the voltage in a point.


A current flows when an electric charge moves around a circuit, measured as the rate of flow of charge. No current can flow if the circuit is broken, for example, when a switch is open.

Measuring current

  •  current is measured in amperes- often abbreviated to A
  •  The current flowing through a component in a circuit is measured using an ammeter
  •  the ammeter must be connected in series with the component.

Potential difference and voltage

A potential difference and voltage, across an electrical component is needed to make a current flow through it. Voltage is the electrical pressure that gives a measure to the energy transferred. Cells or batteries often provide the potential difference needed.

Measuring potential difference

  •  Potential difference and the voltage is measured in volts, - often abbreviated to V
  •  Potential difference across a component in a circuit is measured using a voltmeter
  •  The voltmeter must be connected in parallel with the component.

1)    Read the text about electricity.  What kind of information is missing? 
2)    Work with your partner / group and write questions about the missing information.
Example:  1) How can I measure the voltage? 
3)    Work with a partner from group B, asking and answering questions
4)    When you finish, check your texts to see if they are the same. 

Current, potential difference and voltage

You need to know how to …....... the current that flows through a component in a circuit. You also need to know how to measure the potential difference  across a component in a circuit and the voltage in a point.


A current flows when an …................ (two words) moves around a circuit, measured as the rate of flow of charge. No current can flow if the circuit is broken, for example, when a switch is open.

Measuring current

  • current is measured in …............- often abbreviated to A
  • The current flowing through a component in a circuit is measured using an …...........
  • the ammeter must be connected in series with the component.

Potential difference and voltage

A potential difference and voltage, across an electrical component is needed to make a current flow through it. Voltage is the electrical pressure that gives a measure to the energy transferred. Cells or …........... often provide the potential difference needed.

Measuring potential difference

  • Potential difference and the voltage is measured in volts, - often abbreviated to …......
  • Potential difference across a component in a circuit is measured using a voltmeter
  • The voltmeter must be connected in …........ with the component.

1)    Read the text about electricity.  What kind of information is missing? 
2)    Work with your partner / group and write questions about the missing information.
Example:  1) How can I measure the voltage? 
3)    Work with a partner from group B, asking and answering questions
4)    When you finish, check your texts to see if they are the same. 

Current, potential difference and voltage

You need to know how to measure the current that ….......... through a component in a circuit. You also need to know how to measure the potential difference  across a component in a circuit and the voltage in a point.


A current flows when an electric charge moves around a circuit, measured as the rate of flow of charge. No current can flow if the circuit is …........, for example, when a switch is open.

Measuring current

  • current is measured in amperes- often abbreviated to ….....
  • The current flowing through a component in a circuit is measured using an ammeter
  • the ammeter must be connected in …....... with the component.

Potential difference and voltage

A potential difference and voltage, across an electrical component is needed to make a current flow through it. Voltage is the electrical pressure that gives a measure to the energy transferred. Cells or batteries often provide the potential difference needed.

Measuring potential difference

  • Potential difference and the voltage is measured in …......, - often abbreviated to V
  • Potential difference across a component in a circuit is measured using a …..........
  • The voltmeter must be connected in parallel with the component.

GROUP C:  Without TEXT
Find out the words are talked by the others groups.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Nuevo curso, nuevas espectativas...

Hola, o más bien debería decir Hi....
Llevo ya varios días realizando este curso de AICLE, y bueno, estamos en el principio...
AICLE es sin duda un paso más en la educación que probablemente marcará un antes y un despúes en la formación de los estudiantes, a partir de ahora los chavales ya no tendrán que estudiar idiomas por que lo habrán aprendido de una manera más o menos voluntaria y podrán desenvolverse con facilidad en un entorno no nativo.  Hace tiempo una compañera me decía: "Pues con el bilingüismo lograremos que las nuevas generaciones no aprendan el idioma nativo". En el instante le di la razón, por que igual alguna tenía, pero pensándolo en frio llegué a la conclusión que lo más importante es que enseñemos el concepto y una vez aprendido esto pues como lo llamemos igual importa menos.
Un saludo a todos y esperemos que sea gran curso...